Anyone who says the GOP isn’t racist is stupid or a liar.

GOP group claims Kamala Harris is ineligible to be president due to Dred Scott decision:

In an official resolution, the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) – a 90 year-old GOP-aligned organization that counted former President Ronald Reagan among its membership — took the position that Harris should not be allowed to hold the office of president, citing several “precedent-setting U.S. Supreme Court cases.” Among the six cases the NFRA cited was the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision of 1857, which is regarded as one of the worst SCOTUS decisions of all time, if not the worst ever.

The resolution — which attorney Andrew Fleischman posted to the social media platform Bluesky — cited Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution, which pertains to only natural-born U.S. citizens being eligible to serve as president. The NFRA argued that the phrase “natural born citizen” is defined as “a person born on American soil of parents who are both citizens of the United States at the time of the child’s birth.”

“All of these cases except Perkins v. Elg have been abrogated or are completely unrelated,” one user wrote. “Dredd[sic] Scott was overturned entirely by the 14th and its text cannot be meaningfully cited for any reason whatsof—ingever.”

Written on August 23, 2024