I began reading Denny Carter for his fantasy football articles, but he’s fast becoming one of my favs on politics

Democrats Are Saying No to Leslie Knope Politics:

Clinton was treating voters as rational, self-interested actors when they are anything but.

…mainstream pundits are seething over the Harris campaign’s refusal to play the same old game that these outlets rely on to create a close presidential race that will generate clicks and views and, of course, ad revenue.

The mealymouthed centrists, proudly proclaiming that better things aren’t possible, will dismiss the progressive idea was pie-in-the-sky and unrealistic and chastise the Democratic policymakers for not working with their Republican counterparts, who want a swift end to American self governance and have never asked Democrats for their input in policy making. Millennials know this formula well because we have seen it play out over and over again in what has been a maddeningly unfair fight between Democrats stuck in the 1990s and Republicans ready and willing to break down any democratic guardrail to get their way

The Harris campaign is the first Democratic campaign to understand that once you throw policy details into the wind, they will be used against you, never for you.

Trump has fought like hell to be as vague and nonspecific about policy goals for three presidential runs. And it has worked perfectly for him…

Democrats are finally, at long last, rejecting the media-crafted game designed to put them on their back foot and feed the bad-faith machine. They rightly see no upside – only downside – to releasing reams of details about what they would do with power. Politics is a game, and the point of a game is to win.

Written on August 15, 2024