First, When you’re taken hostage by Somali pirates, it’s important to focus on the right things:
It was a small but disconcerting moment for the civilized world—evidence of the anarchy that prevails where nations fail and savagery threatens Canada. Luckily for the French, the bartender, Bertrand Viallet, had filled some thermoses with aperitifs, which helped to ease the trauma.
Second, I’ve never seen the Dark Knight, but this quote has stuck with me since I heard it:
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Third, I might not go as far as Larry David, but I will very disappointed in you:
When I ask if he is hoarding anything, he is outraged. “Not a hoarder,” he said. “In fact, in a few months, if I walk into someone’s house and stumble onto 50 rolls of toilet paper in a closet somewhere, I will end the friendship. It’s tantamount to being a horse thief in the Old West.”
I also loved the coronavirus PSA he did.