A man called in about his son’s expulsion from the local school district. Dad wanted son to be reinstated at once. It was imperative because the young lad’s cheerleading career hung in the balance. The new school didn’t recognize the son’s brilliant cheering abilities. It was the kid’s senior year; his time to shine.

Man: He’s really a good kid. All he did was a dance called the “Party Boy”. Some teacher got all bent out of shape about it and told on him.

Me: What’s the “Party Boy”?

Man: It’s from a movie called Hot Rod.

I decided to watch this dance on YouTube while the man gave me some other details.

Me: So your son was doing a dance that consisted of him thrusting his groin repeatedly at someone or something?

Man: Well yeah. But he was just kidding around. That teacher has no sense of funny! I can’t believe she can’t take a joke.

Me: Wait a second. He did this in front of a female teacher?

Man: Well, yeah.

Me: Is this conduct considered acceptable by the school?

Man: They said he violated the Code of Conduct.

Me: Was there a hearing?

Man: Yeah. It didn’t go well.

Me: If there is another school district that is willing to take your son in, the old district doesn’t have to take him back.

Man: That’s not fair!

Written on June 1, 2013