I found this on Metafilter. It’s petty, but this a time for it. Please let me know what happens if you try this:

Just had someone comment about ‘agreeing to disagree’ after a ‘ HA HA this is great’ comment.

I replied back, “Great thing about free speech. No rules say I have to agree to disagree. I can just disagree”.

Well. That did not go over well at all. YOU MUST AGREE TO DISAGREE!!!!! And blah blah Trump is awesome, blah, blah.

So I decided for the time being that does this is going to get the Trump treated. Heck if he can do and they like it then why not? Plus it’s a really easy, pretty brainless way of arguing that doesn’t take a whole lot of energy.

Person “blah blah blah blah blah”

Me: “Wrong”

Person “blah blah blah ablha”

Me: “Nope never said that.”

Me: “Wrong” Me” Nope” Me “What a nasty man you are.” Me : “Wrong”

I’ve done that with two people so far and surprise, surprise they don’t like it much. > Bonus is that it really doesn’t take a whole lot of energy. You can get some satisfaction at turning words and methods around. It takes some power back. Other people that see you do it will ‘get it’ and there is some solidarity there. Some dark humor is a bonus. You don’t have to waste your time arguing which is likely pointless right now because they’re on a high but you feel like you’ve said and done something. It’s not the high road, but it’s also not the low road. I think it’s a medium road which is a good compromise as far as I’m concerned.

Plus there is just something so satisfying at type a simple and basic response leave it at that. “Wrong”. Yep that gets down to the nuts and bolts of it.

Written on November 9, 2016