When your entire identity is trying to be hypermasculine while blindly following a preening, vain narcissist, there’s bound to be some cognitive dissonance:

Tim Walz is the negation of the desperately insecure, performatively masculine MAGA man.

I also talked about how conservative Christians and their ideological compatriots are hellbent on preventing their children from being exposed to joyous, brilliant, successful people like Harris, because that’s a one-way ticket to their kids finding out Mommy and Daddy have been lying to them, telling them that the only way to a happy life is through the narrow path of hateful white Christian fascism.

…MAGA’s insecure sense of its own manhood already feels devastatingly emasculated by Tim Walz, who exudes confidence and dude-hood, the kind that doesn’t feel the need to prove it to you.


Written on August 10, 2024