Some great lines from a Reddit thread:

“How you live each day is how you live your life.”

“We judge ourselves by our intentions but others by their actions”

“no matter how big the plate in front of you is, the only way to finish it is one bite at a time.”

“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. “

“An amateur practices until he can play it correctly, a professional practices until he can’t play it incorrectly”

“the time to worry is when I quit yelling at you because that means I’ve decided you’re not worth the effort”.

He told me to find my “Friday”. Find what makes you happy and go after it.

“Don’t let anyone or anything live in your head for rent free”

“holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

“The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done. Then you will conceive your own way of doing that which needs to be done — that no one else has told you to do or how to do it. This will bring out the real you that often gets buried inside a character that has acquired a superficial array of behaviors induced or imposed by others on the individual.”

“You are far more worried about what you say and do than anyone else is.”

“Nothing I can say to you is going to make things easier or help you get through this, but just know that I am here to listen if you decide you would like to talk.”

“Look mon, you have to make work easy. All you have to do mon. Just make work easy.”

“why you no smile? I lose my wife, my three sons, my home and money. But I smile, because I won’t give life the satisfaction of knowing it beat me”.

“You can’t give a fuck about everything that happens. You have to pick and choose. Make sure you give a fuck when it’s most important. Otherwise, keep living life and be happy.”

“When there is something to do, you can sit down and ask “Why bother?” and never find a good reason. Nothing is ever worth doing. But if you had simply asked the opposite: “Why the hell not?” then you’d still be unable to find a good reason. Everything is always worth doing.”

“maybe instead of trying to find the right one you should become the right one”- 2 chainz

“Don’t ask yourself what you want to be when you grow up. Ask yourself what problems you want to solve.”

“You can do absolutely whatever you want. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But whatever you decide to do, be prepared to deal with the consequences.”

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” - Mike Tyson

“If you could kick the ass of the person most responsible for fucking your life up, you wouldn’t be able to sit for a week”

“Try to be the person you pretend to be when you meet new people. -Joe Rogan (Podcast)”

“Do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do.”

“not everybody is as smart as you.”

“there are two ways to work - with your back or with your brain”

“thinking that something isn’t a problem just because it isn’t a problem for you”.

“if a problem can be solved with money it isn’t a problem, just an expense.”

You know you’re an adult when you can be right without proving the other person wrong.

Written on January 10, 2016